Rocky Kistner
There is nothing more impactful than stories about people on the front lines of climate change and environmental assaults. The fishermen, the farmers, the residents battling refinery pollution and bureaucracies. From the boreal forests of northern Alberta to the polluted refineries of the Gulf of Mexico, I have seen their story-telling power resonate with people all over the world. This site is meant to be a collaboration with people of all walks of life and all regions. Join me and tell your stories. We have the power to make change.
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Jeffrey Clark is back: “As OIRA is deciding a regulation’s fate,
it can meet privately with lobbyists for the regulated industry. What is said during those meetings is off the record.” @sejorg @sejournal
Trump Pick To Head Secretive Agency Adept at Stifling Info, Regs
A little-known federal office where some say environmental and other regulations go to die may soon be led by a ...
Silencing VOA: "Funded by the U.S. government but editorially independent, VOA broadcasts in almost 50 languages to 360 million people around the world...a remarkably flimsy list to justify the termination of 1,300 employees." @GlennKesslerWP
Analysis | The White House’s flimsy attack on Voice of America
None of the claims of “radical propaganda” add up.
Numbers don't lie: temperatures are up, glacier ice is down. We are cooking the planet.

This is what is happening.
Data of global temperature change since 1850.
Accelerating glacier loss since 1950.
From the State of the Global Climate 2024 report just published.
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Arlyn Schipper Iowa farmer
Ex-Navy Seal Troy Van Meek and his wife Amy talk about their Iowa solar company
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