Protecting Trump’s Anti-Environmental Agenda

How EPA chief Zeldin became a cheerleader for “Drill baby drill”

By Rocky Kistner March 7, 2025

EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin (Photo: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, Arizona, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Last year, Lee Zeldin was a washed-up former four-term congressman from Long Island who had lost the 2022 New York governor’s race to incumbent Kathy Hochul. A former member of the bipartisan House Climate Caucus, Zeldin ran a somewhat middle-of-the-road race to try to unseat the popular Democratic governor. So, when President Trump tapped Zeldin just after the election for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator, some considered him to be a moderate choice. After all, he was in the House Climate Caucus, so how bad could he be?

Just after Trump announced he had picked him, Zeldin proclaimedhis intentions in a post on X (formerly Twitter). “We will restore U.S. energy dominance, revitalize our auto industry to bring back American jobs, and make the U.S. the global leader of AI,” he said. “We will do so while protecting access to clean air and water.”

In January, during his Senate EPA nomination hearings, Zeldin also expressed concern about the threat of climate change, stating the United States must act with “urgency” to address it. But that concern did not last long. 

A week after being confirmed as EPA administrator, Zeldin toldBreitbart News that predictions of climate change ending the world have “come and gone,” adding that the EPA would push for strong economic policies to make the United States “energy independent” and “aggressively pursue an agenda powering the Great American Comeback.” He made no mention of clean energy. 

Later in February, any hope for moderation was further dashed when Zeldin called for eliminating the agency’s 2009 “endangerment finding,” a critical scientific finding which enabled the agency to regulate carbon pollution under the Clean Air Act by determining that planet-warming gases pose a threat to public health and welfare. The new administrator also cut popular diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and social justice programs based on Trump’s executive orders.

This was not a surprise to members of Congress who know Zeldin’s record well. “I think, clearly, everybody likes clean air and clean water. My opposition to Lee Zeldin is founded on where he’s likely to be on a different issue: climate change,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said on the Senate floor last month. “In that context, I have nothing against Lee Zeldin personally, but the likelihood of him standing against that fossil fuel bulldozer that is coming at him is essentially zero.”

Just last week, Zeldin called for an investigation into the Biden administration’s handling of billions of dollars of green grants, citing unsubstantiated reports of waste, fraud and abuse and comparing it to “tossing gold bars off the Titanic.”Until that investigation is completed, he froze $20 billion in green grants, which could bankruptGreenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grantees, experts say.

The freeze is “going to be very devastating, especially for smaller businesses that really don’t have a lot of funding through which they can [wait] out months of not getting access to the money that was awarded to them,” Rachel Cleetus, senior policy director with Union of Concerned Scientists’ Climate and Energy program, told Utility Dive. “They will go bankrupt because they do not have a lot of cushion here, and they will obviously have to lay off people, and the benefits from the projects themselves for communities will not go forward.”

65 percent EPA cut may be a “low number”

Despite criticism from virtually all quarters about the devastating impacts of budget cuts, Zeldin has stood his ground, adopting the harsh rhetoric of his new boss. “The days of irresponsibly shoveling boat loads of cash to far-left activist groups in the name of environmental justice and climate equity are over,” Zeldin posted on X in a video last month. Zeldin also pledged to do his part to eviscerate the federal workforce by proposing to slash EPA’s budget by 65 percent, which would boot tens of thousands of employees into the streets, including staff who work on some of the most critical environmental health and safety issues across country.

Zeldin said that massive cuts are just a starting point. “I think that the EPA can save even more than 65 percent of our budget year over year,” Zeldin told Spectrum News late last month.

What would a 65-percent EPA budget reduction mean in real terms? Let’s look at the numbers. In fiscal year 2024, EPA’s budget was nearly $9.16 billion, slightly smaller than it was in FY1970, the year it was founded, in inflation-adjusted 2024 dollars. A 65-percent budget cut of its FY2024 budget would leave the agency with only $3.2 billion. Without a doubt, it would cripple the agency. 

Zeldin supports the assertion that environmental regulations are a hindrance to business. “Providing every American access to clean air, land, and water is a vital goal,” he posted on X, “but we can’t ever do it in a way that suffocates our economy.” 

In fact, studies show that the benefits of environmental safeguards far outweigh their costs. For example, studies show such major environmental laws as the Clean Air Act provide societal benefits that outweigh costs by 10 to one.

Zeldin’s call for draconian federal budget cuts and regressive environmental policies are nothing new for anyone who has followed his career closely. Judith Enck was EPA’s New York regional administrator when Zeldin served in the House. “If you are a fossil fuel company, a plastics company, a chemical company—you’ve got to be pretty happy with this appointment, but it’s going to be an environmental disaster for the rest of us,” Enck told Rolling Stone. “They want to weaken Clean Air Act regulations by removing the part of the law that requires the EPA to set health-based air quality standards.”

A quick look at Zeldin’s recent past illustrates Enck’s observations. Zeldin was a drill, baby, drill guy long before Trump picked him seemingly out of nowhere. The League of Conservation Voters gave him a paltry 14 percent lifetime voting score in 2022. And during his unsuccessful bid for New York governor in 2022, Zeldin ran on a plan to expand fossil fuel energy by overturning the state’s ban on fracking. He argued that the fracking ban former Gov. Andrew Cuomo put into place in 2014 was harming rural parts of the state.

“When I talk about reversing the state’s ban on the safe extraction of natural gas and approving new pipelines, that’s a lot of jobs, that’s a lot of revenue,” Zeldin told Politico days before the election. But Zeldin’s pro-fossil fuel message was a loser, and the oil and gas industry did not give him much support at the time. That, however, was about to change.

A magnet for fossil fuel support

After he lost the 2022 governor’s race, Zeldin focused on his consulting business, Zeldin Strategies, whose clients paid him well to represent their interests in a variety of conservative causes. According to his financial disclosure statement filed in January of this year, Zeldin made $775,000 in salary plus $1 million to $5 million in dividends from his consulting firm over the past two years. A chunk of that money—more than $120,000—came from writing opinion columns for a range of news outlets, including Fox News, Newsday, and the New York Post. Zeldin reported that the funding for these handsomely paid opinion pieces came from such fossil fuel-friendly PR firms as DCI Group and CSC Advisors. The Republican lobby shop CGCN paid him a whopping $25,000 for just one column in Real Clear Policy criticizing environmental, sustainable and governance (ESG) investing.

But Zeldin landed an even more lucrative connection to the fossil fuel industry via Texas oil and gas fracking magnate Tim Dunn, a major Trump campaign donor. According to Zeldin’s financial disclosure statement that cover his earnings since 2023, he received more than $140,000 from America First Works (AFW), a conservative political advocacy group that played a crucial role in drafting Trump’s executive orders. Zeldin currently sits on the AFW board as an emeritus member. AFW’s sister organization, America First Policy Institute, founded in 2021 by Dunn and other Trump advisors, appointed Zeldin chair of its China Policy Initiative last year.

A huge fossil fuel-industry booster, AFPI opposes government action on climate change and programs promoting clean energy. “The U.S. must resist build-nothing climate alarmists, who undermine our nation’s ability to replicate our economic and environmental success on the world stage,” one of AFPI’s energy essays asserts.

Dance with them that brung ya

Last year, AFPI founder Tim Dunn sold his lucrative Texas oil and gas company CrownRock to Occidental Petroleum for about $12 billion. Observers say that sale will make the Christian-right donor even more powerful in state and national politics.

“Money is power in Texas politics,” University of Houston professor Brandon Rottinghaus told the Texas Tribune. “Dunn’s already shown willingness to spend big to imprint his ideological religious beliefs on the GOP. With more money, he’s likely to pour gas on the fire.”

Getting rid of the EPA’s endangerment finding would definitely provide more gas, since Dunn is no fan of climate regulations. “It would be ideal if we could get rid of this ‘CO2 as a pollutant’ business,” Dunn said at a 2023 AFPI event, adding that a Trump presidency could use executive orders “to curb all this silliness about CO2 emissions.”

Lee Zeldin is no doubt paying attention to people like Tim Dunn. As they say in the Lone Star State, you gotta dance with them that brung ya. It’s clear Zeldin has perfected the Texas Two-Step. 

Inside Story: The Forgotten Victims of Hidalgo

The author, Carlos Carabaña, in the field. For the story, his team worked more than seven months, obtained various confidential documents and archival video, took 10 field trips and interviewed 30 cancer patients and others.

For decades, inhabitants of Hidalgo near Mexico City have been poisoned by toxic chemicals and sewage contaminating the waters flowing toward the Endhó dam. Toxic sewage from Mexico City and industrial corridors created an environmental hell for Hidalgo residents over the past 40 years. Although the authorities knew that the water from their wells was contaminated, sickening the residents, they simply ignored them.

A team of more than a dozen journalists and videographers documented this powerful but neglected story for Mexico’s Channel N+ Focus. It was awarded Third Place, Outstanding Feature Story, Large, for the Society of Environmental Journalists’ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment. Judges called it a “strong production of this otherwise shockingly unknown story. Through excellent use of archival footage, previously unreleased documents and powerful, heartbreaking imagery, this story shone a light on and gave voice to people living in and imperiled by an atrociously polluted environment.”

SEJournal recently caught up with investigative reporter Carlos Carabaña of N+ Focus by email to talk about the award-winning project. Here is the conversation.

SEJournal: How did you get your winning story idea?

Carlos Carabaña: We were searching for stories about “huachicoleo de agua” (basically, people who steal and sell water) in Tula, Hidalgo, and a source told us about the Endhó Dam. So we went on a field trip to the area. After meeting and talking with some of the 15,000 residents who had been abandoned for decades by the government and local administration, we decided it was a story that needed to be told.

SEJournal: What was the biggest challenge in reporting the piece and how did you solve that challenge?

Carabaña: The biggest challenge was to decide which findings and stories to include in the piece and which ones to omit. The environment and health issues concerning the Endhó Dam have been going on for decades and have affected so many people; some findings, stories and problems had to be ruled out even though they were quite shocking.

Another challenge was trying to get a reaction from the authorities. We had several confidential documents that proved that the three levels of government knew about these problems, including the fact that seven water wells were poisoning the 15,000 residents. The authorities, who knew about it from a series of studies conducted in 2007, 2010 and 2018, simply ignored it as cancer deaths in the region tripled.

SEJournal: What most surprised you about your reporting?

Carlos Carabaña

Carabaña: Seven water wells that supply the communities of the Endhó Dam have been contaminated with heavy metals for decades because of sewage and waste from Mexico City, several industrial corridors and hospitals, a refinery and a thermoelectric plant. After several demonstrations and protests by residents of the Endhó Dam, the government built five water treatment plants. In 2019, the government held a big inauguration party and told the residents that they could finally drink from the wells; but the government handed over water treatment plants that were unfinished and nonoperational.

OK, so maybe the government didn’t give a damn about these 15,000 people. But, telling the residents that they could drink the water when they, the government, knew it was contaminated with heavy metals, … that’s evil.

SEJournal: How did you decide to tell the story and why?

Carabaña: After three field trips to the area and some key findings, we made a list of the core issues that affected the Endhó Dam: issues related to health, water, scarcity, poverty and so on. We then analyzed which were the best stories to convey each issue, determined how to present the key findings, and added background and context.

We are a TV channel and an on-demand platform, so we have to produce two different pieces: a five-minute video for the news program and a 15-minute video for the on-demand platform. Also, we wrote a story for our media internet outlet. We decided to do these three complementary pieces to reach the maximum audience and be able to tell the story in a proper way.

SEJournal: Does the issue covered in your story have a disproportionate impact on people of low income, or people with a particular ethnic or racial background? What efforts, if any, did you make to include perspectives of people who may feel that journalists have left them out of public conversation over the years?

Carabaña: Most of the 15,000 Endhó Dam residents have low incomes. It is the abandonment of an entire community: First, their lands were taken away, then their water was contaminated and finally they were left to die alone. An abandonment by the three levels of government and by administration after administration. Sewage and wastewater from Mexico City, several industrial corridors and hospitals, a refinery and a thermoelectric plant have created an environmental hell north of Tula.

This contamination reached the Endhó Dam’s drinking water wells, and for decades has poisoned, drop by drop, thousands of human beings. We tried to give the residents the space to tell their stories and we contributed with context, background and investigative findings about how this environmental hell was created.

SEJournal: What would you do differently now, if anything, in reporting or telling the story and why?

Carabaña: I would have increased the range of diseases to look for among the health problems of the area. Basically, with the help of a local organization and using the INAI platform (Mexican Freedom of Information Act), we searched federal files for statistics on cancer and respiratory diseases. I would have liked to search for more diseases and over a wider range of years.

SEJournal: What lessons have you learned from your story?

Carabaña: As we say in Spanish, “Piensa mal y acertarás” (or “Think the worst and you won’t be far wrong,” according to the Collins dictionary). As I said before, I can understand if government officials and agencies didn’t solve the problem of the contaminated drinking water due to budget problems or a lack of political power. But the government told the residents that the problem was solved when they knew that the water was still poisoning the community. That sounds like some kind of supervillain plot.

SEJournal: What practical advice would you give to other reporters pursuing similar projects, including any specific techniques or tools you used and could tell us more about?

Carabaña: Build a great team. In N+ Focus, our investigation bureau, journalists work for months alongside producers, and we make creative decisions together. From the start, we involve the product design area, so they can contribute to the research with ideas. In the bureau, we speak to each other about our investigations, so if someone has a source or an idea about how to access information, we contribute. We have great leaders who trust our work. Effort, analysis, trust in your partners, methodology and, the most important tool, patience.

SEJournal: Could you characterize the resources that went into producing your prize-winning reporting (estimated costs, i.e., legal, travel or other; or estimated hours spent by the team to produce)? Did you receive any grants or fellowships to support it?

Carabaña: This work was carried out over more than seven months. We obtained various confidential documents using transparency and source work tools. We analyzed the public agenda and databases, and went on 10 field trips to the affected area. To document the abandonment of the 15,000 residents by the various governments and administrations, we interviewed 30 cancer patients, other people affected and scientists. We also searched the archive of the television station and found journalistic reports — from the 1980s — on this contamination.

SEJournal: Is there anything else you would like to share about this story or environmental journalism that wasn’t captured above?

Carabaña: The importance of following up. The carrying out and publication of this investigation led the authorities to sit down again with the people affected, after having ignored them for almost three years. Resources were allocated to operationalize the water treatment plants that were delivered incomplete. Additionally, the working groups with the Ministry of the Environment and other authorities were resumed, in order to set up an environmental restoration program for the Endhó Dam. The new governor of Hidalgo, Julio Menchaca, promised to address the health problems of the residents.

Throughout 2023, we have continued to report on these political commitments: publishing stories about the deadlines, about the state of the projects and working groups, and asking politicians about specific deadlines. We plan to do so until all these commitments have been fulfilled.

Carlos Carabaña is an investigative reporter from Galicia, Spain. From 2012 to 2015, he lived in Berlin, where he worked on stories about migration issues and depopulation. Since 2015, he has been living in Latin America, based in Mexico, covering issues relating to environmentalism and climate change, human rights, politics and violence, with reporting in Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala. He was part of the research bureau of mexicopuntocom and El Universal. Since 2022, he has been working at Focus, the research bureau of N+.

* From the weekly news magazine SEJournal Online, Vol. 10, No. 8. Content from each new issue of SEJournal Online is available to the public via the SEJournal Online main pageSubscribe to the e-newsletter here. And see past issues of the SEJournal archived here.

Inside Story: The Battle To Protect Congo’s Vast Peatlands

A screenshot from the first-place winner of the large market feature story prize from the Society of Environmental Journalists’ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment, “What Do the Protectors of Congo’s Peatlands Get in Return?” by Ruth Maclean and Caleb Kabanda, with photography by Nanna Heitmann, for The New York Times.

Inside Story: The Battle To Protect Congo’s Vast Peatlands

One of the world’s largest carbon sinks has long been protected by local communities in the Congo forests. But invading logging operators threaten this invaluable natural resource. New York Times reporter Ruth Maclean and journalist Caleb Kabanda teamed up to craft an award-winning, in-depth story about peatlands, an important element of nature that experts say is critical in the battle against climate change.

Judges with the Society of Environmental Journalists annual awards program were greatly impressed with the story’s richly character-driven, cinematic narrative, its detailed reporting, character portrayals and strong aerial and video components. They awarded it first place for Outstanding Feature Story, Large, in SEJ’s 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment.

SEJournal recently asked Maclean and Kabanda about the project by email. Here is the conversation, edited lightly for clarity and brevity.

SEJournal: How did you get your winning story idea?

Ruth Maclean

Maclean: The Congo Basin peatlands have been on my mind for a while but I had no idea what story I would find when I went there.

Kabanda: I was contacted by Ruth Maclean. She told me that she would like to come to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to report on the peatlands in the Congo Basin forests. She asked if I was available to work with her. I felt very excited because I found the idea and the story great, very interesting and very helpful to the whole planet, and to the whole of humanity. I had already heard about peatlands but didn’t know what they looked like. So, it was a great opportunity to visit the peatlands to witness with my own eyes what they look like and learn more about them. I made some phone calls and learned that no single journalist nor even DRC government officials have ever visited the Congo’s peatlands. Then, I told Ruth that her idea and story were fabulous because we would be the first journalists to report about it and get to witness what peatlands look like.

SEJournal: What was the biggest challenge in reporting the piece and how did you solve that challenge?

Maclean: Logistics and bureaucracy. I solved it with the help of the amazing Caleb Kabanda, my collaborator on the story.

Kabanda: The biggest challenges in reporting the series were getting permissions from the security services (the Congolese national intelligence agency that is the Congolese FBI) and accessibility. The peatlands are located in very remote areas, very far in deep Congo Basin forests, where you need to travel by plane, four-wheel-drive vehicle, speed boat, wooden boat and also travel long hours during the day and sometimes at night on foot under the rain in a deep jungle forest, crossing rivers, falling into mud, getting hurt sometimes by thorns and sometimes being stung by ants, in areas where there is no cellphone reception.

I got media accreditation to enable us to cover the story and I navigated the security services, explaining to them why it is important to inform the whole world about the importance of peatlands and forests to humanity, but also by gaining the trust of local communities, known as peatlands’ protectors, to talk to us, to explain to us what they know about peatlands and also take us to the peatlands. We convinced the local chiefs, along with local communities, that we want to spend much time with them. We want to see how they live and interact with peatlands. We want to learn from them what they know about peatlands. We want to learn what peatlands mean to them, what peatlands mean to the whole of humanity. After talking to them and explaining clearly what we came to do, they were convinced and open to telling us their stories and answering our questions. They allowed us to cover their daily activities in the peatlands, at home and more.

SEJournal: What most surprised you about your reporting?

Maclean: The desire of communities living around the peatlands to protect them for the world, despite having almost nothing themselves.

Kabanda: What personally surprised me is first, to see that the peatlands’ protectors (local communities living in remote forests around the peatlands) are well-informed about the role and the importance of peatlands and forests to the planet and to humanity. They explained to us how the forests and peatlands contribute to fighting against climate change. They showed us how peatlands and forests contribute to their daily living, in terms of feeding and treating their families. Second, I noticed that local communities are willing and managing to protect peatlands and forests but, unfortunately, they are very limited. They regret that polluters continue polluting the world and are demanding the peatlands’ protectors protect the forests and peatlands, but get nothing in return.

SEJournal: How did you decide to tell the story and why?

Maclean: In a long narrative with multimedia elements, because I was working with the incredible photographer Nanna Heitmann, had a brilliant editing team at The New York Times’ Headway, and because I encountered such great characters and was able to witness their struggle to protect the peatlands in person.

SEJournal: Does the issue covered in your story have disproportional impact on people of low income, or people with a particular ethnic or racial background? What efforts, if any, did you make to include perspectives of people who may feel that journalists have left them out of public conversation over the years?

Maclean: The whole story was focused on some of the poorest villages in the world. It was very important to listen to them and try to faithfully represent their perspectives.

SEJournal: What would you do differently now, if anything, in reporting or telling the story and why?

Caleb Kabanda

Maclean: There are so many angles I would have kept following, if only I had had more time.

SEJournal: What lessons have you learned from your story or project?

Maclean: To focus on people when doing environmental stories.

Kabanda: Peatlands and forests in the Congo Basin are in danger if no alternative measures are taken to protect them. Local communities survive from these peatlands and forests: Their main resources are forests and peatlands; they cut trees from the forests for firewood, making charcoal and planks. Local loggers and mainly international logging companies, conspiring with some corrupt individuals from the Congolese government, are badly and illegally exploiting timbers from the Congo forests. And most of the local communities earn their livings by fishing in peatlands, which poses a small-scale destruction threat to peatlands.

SEJournal: What practical advice would you give to other reporters pursuing similar projects, including any specific techniques or tools you used and could tell us more about?

Maclean: I would encourage other reporters to spend hours with their interviewees if possible and really try to listen.

Kabanda: For reporters intending to cover similar projects in the DRC and most of the African countries: Get legal permits/media accreditation for reporting. Get all required permissions, stamps and signatures from government and security services. Be positive in navigating local security services. Be patient in handling all the bureaucracies. Navigate local authorities and local communities to get their trust. Identify the best characters with good knowledge, well-informed about the area or the region. Get to know the customs of the local communities to facilitate good communication. Always remember to assess the security situation of the area of reporting. Work with a local professional fixer or local journalist who is professional in navigating any situation and who has a good array of contacts. With any obstacles, remain positive, patient and courageous.

SEJournal: Could you characterize the resources that went into producing your prizewinning reporting (estimated costs, i.e., legal, travel or other; or estimated hours spent by the team to produce)? Did you receive any grants or fellowships to support it?

Maclean: Two weeks on the ground, several more writing it up, thousands of dollars.

Kabanda: Reporting in DRC is very expensive. Media accreditation and a filming permit are extremely expensive. Plane tickets, car rental, boat rental and hotels are very expensive. Most of the infrastructure is almost dead. There are more bureaucracies and harassment from the security services, which always slows down the reporting.

SEJournal: Is there anything else you would like to share about this story or environmental journalism that wasn’t captured above?

Maclean: The Congo peatlands need and deserve much more attention.

Ruth Maclean is the West Africa bureau chief for The New York Times. Previously, she worked for The Guardian and The Times of London, reporting from Africa, Europe and Latin America for 15 years. She aims to provide nuanced coverage of the 25 countries she covers, with a focus on the people living in them.

Caleb Kabanda is a freelance journalist, camera operator, field producer, professional fixer and first aid responder for international reporters, filmmakers, movie stars and researchers. He is based in Goma in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and has worked with reporters from the BBC, National Geographic, The Washington Post and many others.

Editor’s Note: View a video interview with Maclean about her prizewinning story below.]

SEJ Awards 2023: Outstanding Feature Story, Large from SEJ: Society of Env. Journalists on Vimeo.

* From the weekly news magazine SEJournal Online, Vol. 9, No. 30. Content from each new issue of SEJournal Online is available to the public via the SEJournal Online main pageSubscribe to the e-newsletter here. And see past issues of the SEJournal archived here.


A push to mark the buried history of ‘harrowing’ slave prisons near Busch Stadium

William (Rocky) Kistner Special to the Post-Dispatch
Jun 13, 2024

This story was commissioned by the River City Journalism Fund.

ST. LOUIS — Robin Proudie remembers working concessions at the old Busch Stadium as a teenager, selling popcorn and peanuts to hungry baseball lovers. Her favorite memory is the seventh game of the Cardinals’ 1982 World Series. After the final out, she joined hundreds of frenzied spectators who poured on the field to congratulate the new champs. She remembers star shortstop Ozzie Smith picking her up in celebration.

But there is a part of Busch Stadium history that Proudie only recently learned about, a dark history linked to the building that was so dear to her. Historians say some of St. Louis’ most notorious slave prisons — known as the Lynch slave pens — sat near the intersection of South Broadway and Clark Avenue, where the new Busch Stadium, Ballpark Village and the InterPark Stadium East garage are now clustered.

Thousands of men, women and children were held in Bernard M. Lynch’s underground slave prisons before the Civil War, incarcerated in rooms with dirt floors, no beds and bars on the windows. Some were chained to basement cells, waiting to be sold to local buyers or “down river” to work in cotton and sugar cane fields.

Remnants of the prison cells survived in the basement of a large drug company warehouse and office building until it was torn down in 1963 to make way for the baseball stadium where Proudie worked as a teen.

“I had no idea…I’ve parked in that garage,” said Proudie, founder and executive director of the nonprofit Descendants of the St. Louis University Enslaved. “This is hallowed ground with people’s souls. It needs to be acknowledged publicly that their lives mattered.”

Link to Post-Dispatch story

In Their Own Words; Story Insights from SEJ 2023 Award Winners

By Rocky Kistner

If pictures are worth a thousand words, what are videos worth? Whatever the answer, most will surely agree these nine short videos are priceless, representing the first-place winners in the Society of Environmental Journalists 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment.

In their own words, journalists and producers describe what drove them to pursue and tell their stories, and the valuable impacts they have had.

Sean Peoples, a creative director and filmmaker with Think Out Loud Productions, has produced videos of SEJ award winners over the past three years, and he relishes the chance to talk to the award winners about the ways newsrooms and journalists work to come up with high-impact stories. “It’s really an iterative process a lot of the times to come up with stories that are this powerful,” Peoples said.

To highlight some of the reporting insights of these winners, we’ve distilled their video comments to key points focused on how they chose to report their stories. You can click each thumbnail to view the full video, as well as visit links below each to find out more about the project and to read comments from SEJ judges.

Story insight: The environment as a “true crime” story

The Washington Post’s “Amazon Undone” series, which won first place in the large-market investigative reporting category and later the top award for outstanding environmental reporting, took a whole-system approach to looking at deforestation in the planet’s largest and most vital rainforest, explained SEJ judges. Each article meticulously walked the reader through a contributing factor to the rapid deforestation of the Amazon.

But for one of its elements, the team took an unusual tack — retracing the steps of the most high-profile Brazilian murder cases in 2022. Terrence McCoy, The Post’s Rio de Janeiro bureau chief, remembers what prompted the choice: “We found a man who had been executed out there and his hands have been tied together and he just had been left in a ditch. That discovery helped to solidify that the story of the destruction of the Amazon isn’t like other environmental stories.”

For McCoy, the story of the Amazon is in many ways a crime story; as he put it, a story of mass criminality on a continental level, a crime story that has complicit officials, feckless law enforcement and murderous elements of violence. To tell the story in a fresh way to grab readers, McCoy’s method was to make it “breathe like true crime stories.”

For more, visit “The Amazon, Undone” by McCoy, Júlia Ledur and Cecília do Lago, with photos by Raphael Alves and Rafael Vilela, for The Washington Post (Kevin Carmody Award for Outstanding Investigative Reporting, Large: SEJ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment and winner, Nina Mason Pulliam Award for Outstanding Environmental Reporting).

Story insight: The environment as a “river” of ideas

AnuOluwapo Adelakun, an investigative journalist, documentary filmmaker and policy researcher working on underreported issues in Nigeria, began reporting on how foreign beverage companies were using the country’s powerful Osun River as their water source. She quickly realized the river itself would become a central character in her reporting.

In winning SEJ’s small-market first-place award for outstanding investigative reporting, judges were impressed that Adelakun let the river guide her storytelling throughout, adding depth and emotional resonance to the reporting. “By amplifying the voices of the artisanal miners and demonstrating how their basic survival is contrasted with the exploitation by foreign corporations,” judges said, “the video educates viewers and humanizes those directly affected by it.”

“The Osun River is a very important river in southwest of Nigeria,” Adelakun recalled. “The people of the Osun have a spiritual belief that there is a goddess of fertility and so they also rely on that river as a spiritual symbol. … People are dying right now and if we don’t do something about it then nothing is ever going to be done, so ultimately I let the story take me where it wanted to.”

For more, visit “The Water Manifesto: Osun (Water For Gold)” by AnuOluwapo Adelakun for TheCable Newspaper Journalism Foundation (Kevin Carmody Award for Outstanding Investigative Reporting, Small: SEJ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment).

Story insight: Going where no one else has

An investigation into the health and environmental effects of the chemical PFAS by the Chicago Tribune’s Michael Hawthorne was a “Herculean effort,” said SEJ judges who awarded him first place for outstanding beat reporting in a large market. They noted in part his year-long review of thousands of court documents, government records and scientific studies. ”This is a shining example of the finest kind of journalism.”

Hawthorne said an editor found a memo he wrote on PFAS and sewage sludge that dated back to 2009. “It’s a culmination of a lot of years that I’ve been fortunate enough to be in this job at two different newspapers. I’ve been doing it long enough that I can return to a story that I first started writing about almost 20 years ago.”

But Hawthorne said it was how he handled that long trajectory and the more recent flood of information that made the difference. “I’m not the kind of person who writes about everything that’s moving. I’m going to try to go where nobody else is going, … to try to find some nugget of information data records that shine a light that is meaningful to my readers.”

For more, visit “Forever Chemicals” by Michael Hawthorne for The Chicago Tribune (Outstanding Beat Reporting, Large: SEJ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment).

Story insight: The environment in your backyard

When Baltimore Sun reporter Scott Dance set out to report on how climate change is impacting communities in the Chesapeake Bay area, he decided to zero in on ways that communities were being affected differently. Judges were impressed with the breadth of his reporting that explained the diverse impacts of climate change: “We commend his sharp eye for how climate change and environmental neglect have exacerbated inequities between Black and white communities. … Dance shined light on a remarkable range of issues weighing on the greater Baltimore area.”

Dance said he purposefully looked for these differences as a critical part of the story: “Of course climate change is a global issue, environmental injustice is a global issue, but I tried to just stay focused on how those larger forces were playing out in my backyard and in our readers’ backyards. That’s what local journalism is so good at and so important for, showing the examples that are right under your nose that exemplify these larger issues the world is dealing with.”

For more, visit “Maryland’s Environmental Challenges” by Scott Dance for The Baltimore Sun (Outstanding Beat Reporting, Small: SEJ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment).

Story insight: Environmental risks outside the headlines

New York Times reporter Raymond Zhong was well aware of the punishing droughts and fires that devastated California in recent years, but when he caught wind of some interesting new research on flood risks in the Golden State, he jumped at the opportunity to tell a story that hadn’t received much attention. It was fortuitous timing. Five months after his story appeared in August 2022, California was pummeled by a torrent of atmospheric rivers that turned the drought-plagued state into raging rivers and storms that killed more than 20 people. More atmospheric rivers have flooded the state this year.

SEJ judges were especially impressed with the story’s multimedia presentation that “captivated and educated readers in and outside California and spurred state officials to invest in research on flood risks. … ‘The Coming California Megastorm’ is, quite simply, extraordinary explanatory journalism of remarkable clarity and lasting import.”

Zhong said he simply did what all good reporters do, dig into stories in ways no one else is covering. “California flooding was not exactly at the top of people’s minds. … But part of what we should do as journalists is to elevate things that aren’t necessarily in the headlines every day and keep them in the conversation.”

For more, visit “The Coming California Megastorm” by Raymond Zhong (journalist), Mira Rojanasakul (graphics) and Erin Schaff (photography) for The New York Times (Outstanding Explanatory Reporting, Large: SEJ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment).

Story insight: Powerful interests that inform important debates

Inside Climate News reporter Nicholas Kusnetz tackled one of the most controversial climate policies involving carbon capture technology, an attempt to bury greenhouse gasses underground, helping reduce oil and gas emissions that are major contributors to climate change. Although carbon capture had bipartisan support among industry and the Biden administration, Kusnetz felt there was a need for more in-depth reporting to get to the bottom of this emerging technology.

“You had all this money, all this interest from this really powerful industry that has been the biggest source of climate pollution, paired with the fact that there wasn’t really much coverage,” Kusnetz said. “So that was really what made me want to go and do this.”

Kusnetz was particularly interested in concerns about environmental justice impacts in communities that didn’t have the resources to understand the potential threats carbon capture could pose: “They were still sort of figuring out what they were going to be saying about this because it was dynamic and developing. So that was the place where I think the series at least aims to try to inform that debate.”

According to SEJ judges, Kusnetz more than accomplished his mission, shining light on a complicated topic with powerful interests driving the debate. “His reporting showed how the oil industry lobbied to shape climate policy toward carbon capture and storage. The result was more than $12 billion in federal spending from the bipartisan infrastructure bill and, last year, tens of billions more in potential loans and tax incentives for this controversial and largely unproven technology.”

For more, visit “Pipe Dreams: Is Carbon Capture a Climate Solution or a Dangerous Distraction?” by Nicholas Kusnetz for Inside Climate News (Outstanding Explanatory Reporting, Small: SEJ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment).

Story insight: Environmental news inextricably linked to people’s stories

New York Times reporter and West Africa Bureau Chief Ruth Maclean had heard of the importance of the Congo Basin’s vast network of peatlands that sequester huge amounts of the world’s carbon, but she wanted to find out more about this important global resource. Maclean and her team traveled to the marshy peatlands threatened by deforestation, where local villagers protect the forest from loggers who threaten to destroy the rainforests and unleash sequestered carbon into the air.

Maclean spoke to researchers tracking the peaty treasure buried deep in the Congo. But the most important story, she said, is told by the people who live there. “My way into it is just to look at the people and try to meet them and understand a bit who they are and listen to their stories. … At the end of the day, we’re talking about the environment that we have to live in and look after, and it’s just inextricably linked with people.”

SEJ judges were floored by the beauty of the story narratives and the cinematic quality of the visuals of this story: “The exhaustive and detailed reporting, flecked with moments of dark humor, was complemented with great aerial and video components — readers felt like they were in the village, grappling with a thorny, high-stakes issue that’s both global and local. ‘Peatlands’ was at once satisfying in its execution of a narrative arc and left the jurors hungry for more.”

For more, visit “What Do the Protectors of Congo’s Peatlands Get in Return?” by Ruth Maclean and Caleb Kabanda, with photography by Nanna Heitmann, for The New York Times (Outstanding Feature Story, Large: SEJ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment).

Reporting insight: Environmental stories focused on communities at risk

Journalist Anne Marshall-Chalmers heard about an unreported story from a fire expert that intrigued her. According to her source, small fires in California were having devastating impacts on low-income mobile home communities. Many of these people, she found, were being pushed out of urban areas and moved to high-risk, fire-prone areas.

As Marshall-Chalmers investigated further and traveled to mobile home communities in rural Lake County, she found out about a UCLA researcher who was gathering data on this topic. All of the information and reporting fit together to make a powerful story that broke new ground: “It really exposes the intersection of the lack of affordable housing and a warming planet,” Marshall-Chalmers said, “and how those two can create really difficult situations primarily for low-income people who are forced into areas that are more prone to burn.”

SEJ judges said Marshall-Chalmers “investigates a much-overlooked aspect of the human and housing cost of wildfires in California. … The narrative voice and choices keep the reader captivated until the end and have us all asking questions that we may not have asked before.”

For more, visit “Mobile Homes, the Last Affordable Housing Option for Many California Residents, Are Going Up in Smoke” by Anne Marshall-Chalmers for Inside Climate News (Outstanding Feature Story, Small: SEJ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment).

Story insight: Environmental news as a fact check

Reporter Isaac Stone Simonelli was part of a student-led investigative multimedia project that examined poorly documented oil and gas industry methane emissions that are huge contributors to climate change. The unique collaborative project was produced by the Howard Center for Investigative Journalism at Arizona State’s Cronkite School. Its stories were featured in nearly 200 news outlets, including the AP and Inside Climate News, and included detailed maps, a podcast and a documentary that revealed unknown methane releases.

“The Gaslit investigation was a fact check,” Simonelli said. “We wanted to compare how much gas the satellites were showing as being flared to what state regulators or actors in the oil and gas industry were saying was being burnt off at these sites to see if those two matched up.” The investigation included various teams of reporters focused on health and environmental impacts, and the economics of flaring and gas, as well as a data team.

Simonelli said comprehensive projects like these help launch young journalists’ careers: “It’s training the next generation of investigative reporters on how to really tackle ambitious, important projects. We’re sinking our teeth into stories that will have an impact.”

SEJ judges agreed. “Each story in the series added to the narrative thread of the series. ‘Gaslit’ was a unanimous first-place winner.”

For more, visit “Gaslit” for Arizona State University Cronkite School of Journalism, published by Cronkite News/AZPBS (Outstanding Student Reporting: SEJ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment and Honorable Mention, Nina Mason Pulliam Award for Outstanding Environmental Reporting).

Rocky Kistner is an independent journalist based near Washington, D.C., a co-editor of Inside Story for SEJournal and a board member of the Society of Environmental Journalists. Over the past four decades, he has written environmental stories for a variety of newspapers and national magazines, and produced environmental stories as a staff reporter for ABC News, Marketplace/Minnesota Public Radio and as a producer for PBS Frontline. Some of his stories can be found on his website

Are Dates the Next Peace Building Superfood?

Experts say there are financial speed bumps ahead for environmental startups like Dayts, especially as Israel endures an unprecedented period of political unrest.

Michael Ofran, a fruit and vegetable farmer from the Arava, was riding his bicycle home one morning a few years ago when he got lost in the broiling desert. It seemed the more water he drank, the hotter and sicker he felt.

When he finally made it home, his sister reminded him that he needed more than just water to battle the heat. His body needed minerals, electrolytes and other essential nutrients, too. Ofran began thinking about the date trees on his farm. Could dates, the nutritious and revered blessed fruit of the Bible and the Koran, become a superfood for the modern era?

Now several years later, Ofran and his colleagues say the answer is a resounding “Yes.” His Israeli startup company, Dayts, is getting seed money from global investors to develop new date-based natural ingredients for use as shelf-life extenders and nutritional supplements for everything from meat products to baked goods. They also have plans to use the natural antioxidant power of dates in industries, such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

What’s more, their food products can use waste materials from a variety of dates that most farmers ignore or discard, saving energy and reducing climate-altering emissions like methane.That could have a big climate-fighting potential for the growing $13 billion (NIS 48.5b.) global date palm industry. And as the climate gets hotter, date trees are better acclimated to the heat and will suffer less than other crops, making them an ideal fruit in the era of climate change

Still, experts say there are financial speed bumps ahead for Israeli food tech and environmental startups like Dayts, especially as Israel endures a period of unprecedented political unrest. Frightened by ongoing political protests and economic concerns, credit agencies have warned about downgrades to Israel’s credit ratings, while some banks and investment funds have reported increased capital flows out of the country.

Despite these financial headwinds, the venture capital world is still alive and well in the “startup nation.” The industry’s innovative spirit was on full display at the 2023 OurCrowd Global Investor Summit in Jerusalem, last February, where thousands of participants and investors gathered in person for the first time since the pandemic. Over its 10-year history, OurCrowd has raised over $2b. (NIS 7.5b.) in commitments for hundreds of startup companies looking for capital, and leaders say investments continue.

This year, the summit highlighted a multitude of environmental startup projects, ranging from reforestation using drone technology to an array of new pollution control devices and energy-efficient food technologies. “Working with partners old and new, we can transform the Middle East into a net-zero region a global hub of sustainable solutions in food, water and health,” President Isaac Herzog told attendees.

There is a good reason the investment community is focused on green tech. Scientists say energy-efficient, nonpolluting technology is critical to fighting climate threats in the Middle East, which is heating up twice as fast as the global average and faces increasing dangers of deadly drought, blistering hot temperatures and rampaging rising seas.

Climate experts agree the Israeli government is not moving fast enough to plan for the increasing dangers associated with a rapidly warming climate, making it even more important for the investment community to fund new green technologies.

While the government has been slow to fund specific climate plans, nonprofits have stepped up. The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies has trained and educated thousands of young people from all walks of life. Many go on to work for green technology startups and businesses. “We use environment and science as a diplomacy tool to connect people,” executive director Tareq Abu Hamed told a meeting of journalists in Jerusalem, earlier this year. “We use environmental issues to build trust.”

“We use environment and science as a diplomacy tool to connect people.” Tareq Abu Hamed

It seems to be working. Last year at the UN climate meeting in Egypt, a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between Israel and Jordon to swap solar energy power for desalinated water supplies. Experts say these are the kinds of policies that can spur sustainable business development in the region.

“The big elephant in the room is the climate crisis,” Gidon Bromberg told climate journalists. Bromberg worked on the MOU between Jordan and Israel, and he has a long track record of bridging international environmental agreements as co-founder of EcoPeace Middle East. “If we don’t learn and create the political will to work together, then the climate crisis will bring us all down.”

Many Israeli startup leaders agree. “We all have the same vision… Helping create a more peaceful environment with prosperity,” explained Shira Shaked Hemi, who has worked in the corporate food industry and is now the CEO of the women-led Dayts startup that includes the noted scientist and antioxidant expert Dr. Rina Reznik.

After all, dates have long been considered a blessed fruit in all corners of the Middle East. Now, she says, it’s time to put their sacred powers to work.

The writer is an independent journalist based in the Washington, DC area. He traveled to Israel in February with other journalists to report on climate issues funded by a grant from the Jerusalem Press Club.

First published in the Jerusalem Post, May 28, 2023

In Louisiana’s Barataria Bay, a coastal restoration plan will fuel a rise in painful dolphin deaths. Is this the price of climate change? 

This week, after years of study, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers green-lighted a massive Mississippi River diversion project, part of Louisiana’s 50-year plan to protect and rebuild its rapidly eroding coast. The $2 billion river diversion in Plaquemines Parish, and another planned in nearby St. Bernard Parish, have never been built before on this scale. Supporters say they are best way to save coastal communities, and ultimately New Orleans, from the rising tides and increasingly powerful storms of the Gulf of Mexico fueled by climate change. Meanwhile, wildlife experts say dolphin deaths and damage to fisheries will be unavoidable.

The unprecedented $50 billion coastal restoration plan has deeply divided the environmental community across the region, pitting state political leaders, engineering and construction firms as well as major environmental NGOs against fishing communities, coastal experts and marine mammal scientists who worry that pouring billions of gallons of polluted river water into the marsh will destroy marine species like shrimp and oysters that depend on the saltwater environment. And it illustrates the growing decisions coastal communities face as climate change rapidly alters their environment.

A knife in the MMPA

At the center of the coastal restoration controversy is the fate of Barataria Bay’s 2,000 dolphins, one of the largest populations along the Gulf coast. Dolphin experts say the state has been disingenuous with the public about the extent of damage the river diversions will have on marine mammals in the area. And scientists are highly critical of a state scheme that successfully lobbied Congress to issue a federal waiver for the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), granting the state legal authority to harm dolphin populations as part of their diversion plans. 

“They stuck a knife in the MMPA and wounded it very seriously,” marine mammal scientist Naomi Rose with the Animal Welfare Institute explained to me recently. Rose has closely followed the work of scientists studying the health of dolphins in the region, including many that were killed by the sudden influx of river water flooding in 2019.  “I’m horrified by the way these dolphins will die. I can’t believe there isn’t a better way to save the coast.”

Engineers and diversion project supporters say there is no more efficient way to build marshland than to divert Mississippi River silt and sediment into coastal marshes, long walled off by levees that protect navigational traffic and coastal communities from flooding. By reintroducing river water sediment into coastal areas, project experts say the diversion project should create about 20 square miles of marshland over 50 years.

Some coastal scientists question those marsh-building claims, and say there are other ways to fight coastal erosion through dredging and other methods that won’t be as detrimental to the marine environment and threaten the livelihoods of fishing communities.

But few dispute the lethal impacts the river diversions will have on dolphin populations in Barataria Bay and nearby areas. Marine mammal experts point to the 2019 floods that killed a record number of dolphins in Louisiana and Mississippi, a disaster that shocked scientists. Hundreds of dolphins developed deadly skin lesions from a flood of fresh water that poured into marine environments, altering the salinity levels in coastal areas and spawning a huge blue-green algal outbreak that shut down Mississippi beaches for the summer season. 

In studies and webinars, scientists described the impact on dolphins as a slow and painful death, starting with irritating skin lesions and infectious boils that in a matter of a few weeks erupted into skin ulcers and toxic brown mats covering parts of their bodies. Infections ate through their sensitive skin barriers, exposing internal organs to polluted freshwater. The result was cardiac damage, cerebral edema, kidney and liver poisoning, and ultimately septicemia and death. Experts predict the same disastrous future for more dolphins if the river diversions are built. 

Sentinels of the sea

As critical marine mammals at the top of the ocean food chain, bottlenose dolphins are sentinels of the sea. Scientists says when dolphins are healthy, the ocean environment is healthy too.  But right now, dolphins in Barataria Bay are not healthy.

According to studies, Barataria Bay dolphins are still suffering from effects of the 2010 BP oil blowout, which spewed millions of gallons of Louisiana crude into the coastal environment of four states. Much of that oil, sprayed with chemical dispersants that made it more toxic, washed into the Barataria Bay. 

I was there when it did. In May of 2010, just weeks after the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded 40 miles off the Louisiana coast, I witnessed the impact of the oil on small pods of dolphins while looking for crude close to shore with a Louisiana shrimp boat captain. The petrochemical stench of thick brown clumps of oil was overwhelming, and the sounds of dolphins chuffing and choking as they swam though the oily invasion was hard to bear. Some likely succumbed to the oil’s poisonous effects that still linger today. The look on the captain’s face told it all: it we were witnessing a marine mammal funeral. 

Many wonder why dolphins, some of the smartest creatures on earth, wouldn’t just flee such a poisonous aquatic environment. Experts say it’s not that easy. Bottlenose dolphins are extremely territorial, since they prefer to stay where they are born and bred. The environment of Barataria Bay is a refuge for dolphin populations and a critical nursery for their young. For thousands of years, it’s been a healthy, life-sustaining environment for the entire Gulf of Mexico.  When the huge Mississippi river levee system was built over the past two centuries, sediment-laden river water was increasingly blocked from the bays. Dolphins moved even closer to shore areas as salinity levels increased.

But in recent years, the BP oil disaster and increasing storms and floods linked to climate change have been toxic to Barataria Bay dolphins. Marine mammal scientists say river diversions present an even greater existential threat to marine life in the bay. Dolphin experts are appalled that billions of dollars in settlement funds from the BP oil spill, money intended to protect the marine environment, is being used for coastal projects that may also cause significant harm.

Solving the dolphin problem

When the diversion projects were in the early planning stages over the past decade, Louisiana officials and project supporters knew there would be harmful impacts to dolphin populations protected by the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act. So Louisiana officials hired veteran DC lobbyists and worked with major environmental NGO leaders to get Congress to include an unusual federal waiver in a budget bill in 2018, allowing the state to injure and even kill dolphins in the course of completing and operating the diversion projects. 

An article published by lobbyists Bob Salzo and Mary Landrieu, of the powerful DC lobbying firm Van Ness Feldman, described it this way under the headline Marine Mammal Protection Act Problem:

“Fortunately, several national environmental and conservation NGOs are committed to the restoration of Louisiana coastal wetlands.  With their assistance, we were able to develop a very narrow amendment to the MMPA that waives the Act for the Mid-Barataria and two other coastal restoration projects in Louisiana.  With the help of these NGOs, we were able to achieve the unanimous support of Congressional Republican and Democratic leadership to include the amendment in H.R. 1892, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, which was enacted February 9, 2018. Based on this legislation, the Secretary of Commerce has waived application of the MMPA to the Mid-Barataria project.”

Marine mammal experts were outraged by the maneuver to get around the MMPA, an act they view as crucial to protecting marine mammal species threatened by pollution, development and climate change. A study published this year in the journal Marine Mammal Science concluded that the Barataria Bay diversion project would cause a “catastrophic” decline in dolphin populations, making them “functionally extinct” in some areas of the bay. “The declines are predicted to be greater than those caused by the DWH oil spill and would take place just as the population is starting to recover from the oil spill.”

Louisiana state agencies and supporters of the diversion project have come up with a plan to closely monitor dolphins and move them if possible to other areas with higher salinity levels. But dolphin experts say such a plan is futile in the face of enormous amounts of river water that will be dumped into the Barataria Bay. 

In a letter to the Army Corps in October, 2022, the Marine Mammal Commission, a nonpartisan U.S. government oversight agency, stated “none of the activities outlined in the Dolphin Intervention Plan appear targeted at mitigating or preventing harm or death of bottlenose dolphins expected from exposure to the low-salinity conditions that will result from the MBSD project.”

Mobi Solangi, executive director of Mississippi’s Institute for Marine Mammal Studies, says the marshes of Barataria Bay are critical nurseries for ocean life in the Gulf.  In a letter to the Advocate published earlier this year, Solangi compared the diversions to the catastrophic floods of 2019 in Louisiana and Mississippi: “we lost an estimated 337 dolphins, over 200 sea turtles and thousands of acres of oyster beds, shrimp, blue crab, speckled trout and other species. Imagine what a 50-year freshwater flood will do.”

What do the NGOs say?

Despite concerns about the freshwater impacts on the marine environment, many high-powered environmental groups have continued to support the diversions, arguing that only giant projects on this scale can fight dramatic climate change impacts to coastal areas. 

“This is a critical moment for the future of our coast and our entire state,” said Cathleen Berthelot, policy director with the Environmental Defense Fund in a September, 2022, press release issued by Restore the Mississippi Delta, a coalition of environmental groups that also include the National Wildlife Federation, Audubon Society and the Pontchartrain Conservancy. “For decades, scientists have indicated that the best way to address future land loss and maintain a sustainable coast into the future is by harnessing the natural power of the Mississippi River to build and maintain the wetlands. It’s time to make that prospect a reality.” 

Fishermen have a different take on the river diversions, which they worry will destroy their ability to make a living. They feel abandoned by many in the environmental community. “A lot of people don’t know what’s going to really happen here,” said Capt. George Ricks, a recreational fisherman and president of the Save Louisiana Coalition that opposes the diversions. “These are the same people who were screaming about the BP oil spill killing dolphins, but more dolphins were killed when they had to divert river water into the Bonnet Care Spillway. Now it’s OK to kill dolphins?”

But other environmental groups oppose the river diversion plan, including the Sierra Club Delta Chapter that calculated a huge monetary price in terms of dolphins deaths.  “During the 2010 BP oil spill many bottlenose dolphins died,” the group said in a statement to the Army Corps this year. “The price put on each life was two million dollars. At that rate, the cost of just killing bottlenose dolphins in the Barataria Basin amounts to about four billion dollars.” 

And last year, a group of nine environmental and marine mammal NGOs issued a blistering letter in response to the Army Corps’ Draft Environmental Impact Statement, protesting the river diversions and questioning the policies behind its decision making and conclusions. “If this project is to move forward, we very much do not want the losses and suffering of these dolphins to be in vain. It is disturbing that we cannot in fact be confident that their sacrifice will result in Barataria Bay restoration.” 

Dolphins pay the price 

Naomi Rose’s Animal Welfare Institute was a signatory to that statement. The marine mammal expert is furious that federal laws put in place to protect dolphins was circumvented by Congress, still largely unknown by the public, she believes. And Rose is deeply frustrated that this issue has divided the environmental NGO community, organizations that share a common mission to protect wildlife and the environment. 

“No one wants to be a dolphin killer, but that’s what they are. These dolphins will pay the price for our stupidity.”


Under Cover: Midwestern Farmers Are Using Cover Crops To Reduce Erosion, Improve Soils and Fight Climate Change

Cover crops have been growing in popularity in recent years as a method of improving soil health, saving money, and both adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Government programs and private carbon credit programs are supporting farmers in planting cover crops after harvesting their cash crops, instead of leaving fields fallow. Many farmers find this saves them money in the form of reduced pesticide use, provides better soil for their cash crops and makes their fields resilient to extreme flooding.

Linus Rothermich has been farming mostly corn and soy in central Missouri’s Callaway County since the 1980s, but in recent years, heavy rains and bouts of extreme weather forced him to think differently about how to make his 900-acre farm more efficient. So, in an effort to address the worsening soil erosion that was damaging his fields, Rothermich started experimenting with no-till agriculture and cover crops. He planted a diverse mix of cover crops like rye and winter hairy vetch immediately after harvesting his main crops, allowing the cover crops to grow in fields that normally would be plowed up and then left fallow.

The results over just a few years have been amazing, Rothermich reports. Runoff and soil erosion have reduced drastically as the cover crops absorbed more moisture and held the soil in place. He soon noticed spots on his farm where the soil had improved markedly. Last summer, an agronomist who inspected his fields told him that based on his inspection of dozens of farms, he has the best soil in central Missouri. “That kind of made me sit up and go, ‘Okay, we’re making a difference,’” Rothermich says.

Experts say Rothermich’s experience is similar to that of many farmers in the Show Me State, with cover crops quickly gaining traction as a way to reduce runoff of farm chemicals and improve soil health. Research shows that cover crops deter weeds, control pests, increase biodiversity in the fields and bolster the ability of soil to absorb water, allowing farmers to reduce the amounts of pesticides and fertilizers they must purchase and apply to their crops.

That’s a helpful incentive for farmers who are squeezed by increasing fuel costs and extreme weather events. The amount of agricultural land employing cover crops has jumped 50% in a five-year period in the U.S., according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture report, as farmers realized the benefits of no-till and cover crop methods — which were popular with previous farming generations — and took advantage of government programs supporting this transition. Cover crops are also both an adaptation to climate change, and a way of slowing it — or mitigating its effects.

Rob Myers, director of the Center for Regenerative Agriculture at the University of Missouri, is right in the middle of this resurgence. The new center is working with government agencies, nonprofits and corporate partners to develop training programs for farmers across the state to increase the use of cover crops and sustainable agriculture technologies. Myers says there are currently about a million acres of farmland in Missouri under cover crop management, a number that he and other U.S. Department of Agriculture experts believe will expand substantially.

Click here to go to full story on AAAS’s How We Respond website.

Mississippi Heat: How Jackson Is Planning for a Dangerously Hot Future in a World Made Hotter by Climate Change

Extreme heat is increasingly a serious public health issue in many parts of the world, including in Jackson, Mississippi.

2°C Mississippi, a Jackson-based climate change organization, is collaborating with city leaders, community members and other partners to pinpoint high-priority areas for new cooling centers and other heat mitigation and response measures. The group is also working with local schools on climate change curriculum. 

Dominika Parry started her journey far from Jackson, Mississippi. Born in Poland, she earned her doctorate in environmental economics at Yale, moved to Madison, Wisconsin, and then relocated to Jackson a decade ago when her husband took a job at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Jackson, “The City With Soul,” is a place filled with history and culture, and has a vibrant art and music scene. It also has been subject to the country’s most extreme racial segregation, discrimination and violence, as well as white flight to the now affluent suburbs. This has led to one of the highest rates of poverty in the country and increased vulnerability to climate change-related disasters and public health impacts. As an economist deeply worried about the health impacts of a rapidly warming climate, Parry found that the science of climate change was significantly politicized in Mississippi. In some cases there was fear about bringing up the topic and in others a lack of awareness, stemming in part from attempts to block or confuse teachingin public schools about the reality and human causes of climate change, and from the many pressing needs absorbing people’s attention, including aging infrastructure like city water pipes.

But Parry soon found local allies who were also worried about and taking action on health and climate impacts, including in the political circles of Jackson, where a new mayor, Chokwe Antar Lumumba, won office based on a progressive platform of racial justice. He is a lawyer and the son of the late mayor and civil rights lawyer Chokwe Lumumba and his wife, Nubia Lumumba, both of whom were very influential in state politics and beyond.

Lumumba campaigned in 2017 on bringing improvements for the underserved and fixing the streets and broken sewer systems in a city strapped for cash. Recently, he added addressing climate change to his list of priorities.

“Extreme heat is not an equal opportunity threat,” Mayor Lumumba said at one of his public weekly briefings in February 2021. “It disproportionately affects people of color, young children, the elderly, socially isolated individuals and people with chronic health conditions or limited mobility.”

Click link here to go to full story on AAAS’s How We Respond website

On the Banks of the Mississippi River, Clean Energy Rises in the Heartland of St. Louis to Fight Climate Change

On the Banks of the Mississippi, Clean Energy Rises in the Heartland

As pastor of the New Northside Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis, the Rev. Rodrick Burton has championed many causes for his church members. These include fighting violent crime to helping people struggling to pay their bills. But one cause stands out for the north St. Louis pastor: promoting clean and affordable renewable energy. Low-income communities and communities of color are disproportionately harmed by air pollution from burning fossil fuels and by the health risks of climate change.

As someone with family members who suffer from asthma, Rev. Burton long considered the advantages of solar energy, which does not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases. Six years ago, he took advantage of a state subsidy program that allowed him to install solar panels on his church and community center, which he says saves his congregation $3,000 a year in utility bills. That’s when Rev. Burton really got religion about solar energy.

“Let me be clear — climate change is a civil rights issue,” Rev. Burton wrote in an op-ed at the time. “ Low-income communities and communities of color — like the one I serve — are disproportionately harmed by the air pollution from coal-fired power plants, as well as by the heat and health risks due to climate change.”

He joined with environmental groups such as the Sierra Club that wanted to help share his message with a national audience, and he traveled to energy conferences around the country. In 2019, he hosted a summit in St. Louis along with other leaders from the Green the Churchmovement, a national organization of church leaders focused on environmental justice concerns. Groups like Washington University’s sustainability program helped support the conference. Rev. Burton began thinking up even bigger projects, ones that could provide jobs for his congregants and potentially transform abandoned areas of the city.

While solar installations in disadvantaged urban areas of St. Louis are still rare, across the Mississippi River in Illinois, solar is booming thanks to more supportive energy policies, according to solar installers. Last year, the EPA reached a consent decree in a major Superfund case in East St. Louis that included the construction of solar panels on contaminated property.

“St. Louis has many vacant properties,” Rev. Burton says. “We could make whole areas into solar farms. … Who wants to live next to an abandoned building? We could repurpose the land to create more sustainability projects.”

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